Review(s) of: From the Ruins of Colonialism: History as Social Memory, by Chris Healy Cambridge University Press, Melbourne 1997
Santina Bertone reviews the book 'Migration, multiculturalism and language: Polish migration to Melb...
By Katrin Bromber, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Lentz, Carola; Lowe, David: Remembering Indepen...
[Extract] Nicholas Clements sets himself a formidable task: to write a social history of the Black W...
Review(s) of: From the Ruins of Colonialism: History as Social Memory, by Chris Healy Cambridge Univ...
Book review of 'Colonial Voices: A Cultural History of English in Australia 1840 – 1940', by Joy Dam...
Review(s) of: Race Relations in Colonial Queensland: A History of Exclusion, Exploitation and Exterm...
Reviews the books 'Settler colonialism in the twentieth century: projects, practices, legacies' edit...
2016 was the 200th anniversary of the British returning Java to the Dutch after the Napoleonic Wars....
Review(s) of: Arguments About Aborigines: Australia and the Evolution of Social Anthropology, by L.R...
Reviewer supports the author's efforts to point out to the dander of postmodernistic and other cultu...
The essays in Exile in Colonial Asia: Kings, Convicts, Commemoration, edited by Ronit Ricci, are th...
A book review of 'Culture in translation : the anthropological legacy of R.H. Mathews' edited by Mar...
Robbie Robertson reviews the book 'Disturbing history: resistance in early colonial Fiji, 1874-1914'...
A book review of 'Society of Others: kinship and mourning in a West Papuan place' by Rupert Stasch. ...
Review of the book 'Projecting empire: imperialism and popular cinema', by James Chapman and Nichola...
Santina Bertone reviews the book 'Migration, multiculturalism and language: Polish migration to Melb...
By Katrin Bromber, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Lentz, Carola; Lowe, David: Remembering Indepen...
[Extract] Nicholas Clements sets himself a formidable task: to write a social history of the Black W...
Review(s) of: From the Ruins of Colonialism: History as Social Memory, by Chris Healy Cambridge Univ...
Book review of 'Colonial Voices: A Cultural History of English in Australia 1840 – 1940', by Joy Dam...
Review(s) of: Race Relations in Colonial Queensland: A History of Exclusion, Exploitation and Exterm...
Reviews the books 'Settler colonialism in the twentieth century: projects, practices, legacies' edit...
2016 was the 200th anniversary of the British returning Java to the Dutch after the Napoleonic Wars....
Review(s) of: Arguments About Aborigines: Australia and the Evolution of Social Anthropology, by L.R...
Reviewer supports the author's efforts to point out to the dander of postmodernistic and other cultu...
The essays in Exile in Colonial Asia: Kings, Convicts, Commemoration, edited by Ronit Ricci, are th...
A book review of 'Culture in translation : the anthropological legacy of R.H. Mathews' edited by Mar...
Robbie Robertson reviews the book 'Disturbing history: resistance in early colonial Fiji, 1874-1914'...
A book review of 'Society of Others: kinship and mourning in a West Papuan place' by Rupert Stasch. ...
Review of the book 'Projecting empire: imperialism and popular cinema', by James Chapman and Nichola...
Santina Bertone reviews the book 'Migration, multiculturalism and language: Polish migration to Melb...
By Katrin Bromber, Leibniz-Zentrum Moderner Orient Lentz, Carola; Lowe, David: Remembering Indepen...
[Extract] Nicholas Clements sets himself a formidable task: to write a social history of the Black W...